$2,350.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


AirVenture Academy LLC

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass & Group Coaching Program by Jesse Vasquez

This Participation Agreement (“Agreement”) as dated as set forth below and governs the terms and conditions of  my (“Participant, “You/r””) participation in THE ACCELERATED MTR BLUEPRINT MASTERCLASS (“Program”)  created and hosted by AIRVENTURE ACADEMY LLC (“Company”, “We”, “Our”).

  1. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. The Program begins for Participant today (“Program Start Date), and ends 12 MONTHS from the start date (“Program End Date”).

In consideration for, and upon receipt of payment as described below and this signed Agreement, Participant will gain access to the Program, which is designed as follows:

  • 12 month access to the Pre-recorded Course Materials & Videos Accompanying the Program Content. (https://airventureacademy.thinkific.com/courses/MTR-Masterclas)
  • Weekly (except for Holidays) group coaching calls
  • A private Participants-only community
  • Designed to teach the Ins & Outs of the Business-to-Business Model for Mid-Term-Rental Stays to Secure a Direct Booking & Corporate Housing Contract.
  • The content of this Program will be provided to Participant via Kajabi and Zoom. The Program design is subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Company. Program access will be available to Participant between the Program Start Date and Program End Date ("Participation Period") subject to Participant following the terms of this Agreement.

The company is closed on weekends, all major U.S. Federal Holidays, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the last 2 weeks of December.

Program participation and access will end on the Program End Date, at which time this Agreement will terminate.

1.1 Content. The information contained in this program, training, and the handouts provided through this course is for educational and informational purposes only. The Company reserves the right to substitute  comparable services to the Program for the Participant if circumstances make such substitution  appropriate, necessary, or to add value to the Program. Such circumstances may include but not be  limited to vacation or other time off by the principal(s), employees, and agents of the Company,  coaching calls led by guest content contributors, or unforeseen circumstances, the necessity of which  will be determined solely by the Company. 

1.2 Guarantees and Earning Disclaimer. The Company has not made any guarantees about the results  of taking any action, whether recommended on this program or not. The Company provides educational  and informational resources intended to help attendees of this program succeed in their business and  otherwise. The Participant is responsible for his/her own success within the Program, by completing  the action items within the Program, attending and participating in coaching calls, and presenting any

clarification, questions, or requests to the Program leaders. You nevertheless recognize that your  ultimate success or failure will be the result of your efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable  other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of the Company. You also recognize that  prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Thus, the results obtained by others – whether  Participants or customers of the Company or otherwise – applying the principles set out in this program

are no guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results. 1.3 Refunds. We do not offer refunds. The Participant acknowledges and accepts the Guarantees and  Earning Disclaimer {See 1.2} of the program. The Company does not offer refunds or cancellations of

any kind to ensure that the Participant is fully committed to the Program. The Participant is responsible  for the full program fee, even in the event the Participant is unable to fully participate in the program. 1.4 Termination and Removal. The Company reserves the right to remove the Participant from Program  at any time for any reason. If the Participant is removed from the Program as a result of behavior that  the Company deems in its sole discretion as inappropriate, discriminatory, interfering with the success  of other Participants in the Program, behavior not conducive to the objective of the Program, or any  other breach, default, or violation of the terms herein (“for cause”), NO refund will be provided under  any circumstances. For cause, removal shall be at the sole discretion and judgment of the Company  and may apply to actions or behavior within or outside of the Program. 


Not Legal Advice. No materials, advice, direction, or guidance given in the scope of the Program is to be construed as legal, tax, or other professional advice or service. You agree to contact a professional service provider for advice regarding these matters.

From time to time, The Program may have expert contributors who are licensed professionals. Program content may from time to time educate the Participant as to considerations relating to legal, financial, and other expert subjects that may be relevant to the Participant’s business. This information in no way constitutes legal, financial, medical, or any other professional advice to the Participant. Purchase of the Program in no way creates a fiduciary relationship, nor privilege in any way. Neither the Company nor its content contributors represent the Participant in any capacity.

The information contained in this webinar, training and the handouts provided through this course is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, legal advice. Neither the Company nor any of its employees or owners shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions on this program or for any damage you may suffer as a result of failing to seek competent advice from a professional who is familiar with your situation.

  1. PAYMENT. Participant agrees to pay AIRVENTURE ACADEMY LLC the amount of $6500 USD as the Program Fee for participation. The participant will pay the Program Fee as follows: (initial one)

_______ (initial) $6500 USD One-Time Full Payment

_______ (initial) $2350 x 3 Months = $7,050 USD for Split Payment Plan

If the participant chooses to pay the Program Fee in full at or prior to the Program Start Date, the Program Fee  will be $6500 USD. 

3.1 Program Access will be granted upon receipt of the full Program Fee or the first month of the Payment Plan  Fee. The Participant’s purchase and access constitute the Participant’s Agreement to all of the terms and  conditions herein. The Participant also agrees to submit an ink or electronically signed copy of this Agreement  within twenty-four (24) hours of purchase. Failure to submit the signed Agreement may result in loss of access  to the Program until signed and submitted. 

3.2 For Participants Selecting the Split Payment Plan Option 1. The Participant must make the first Payment  Plan Fee of $2350USD (“Initial Payment”) to the Company and return a signed copy of this agreement to the  Company within twenty-four (24) hours of purchase. Initial Payment is due upon purchase to have access. Failure to submit the signed Agreement may result in loss of access to the Program until signed and submitted. 

The remaining balance of $4700 USD is to be paid in monthly installments. The participant specifically agrees  that the Program is not a monthly membership, that the fee in total is earned by the Company at the time the

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass Participation Agreement and Terms of Purchase 1

Participant is granted access to the Program, and Participant will not cease payments under any circumstances.  The Participant agrees to maintain a valid credit card on the Program platform’s secure payment site. Credit  card payments will be automatically charged every 30 days from their initial date of purchase

If any payment under this Agreement is returned or declined as insufficient or for any other reason, the Company will remove {See 1.4} the Participant from access to and participation in the Program until paid in full. We may  also pursue collection of any balance owed on the Program fee, through any legal means.

The parties expressly agree that the benefits to Participant in this Agreement extend beyond the specific  coaching sessions and resources described above, and the consideration paid includes Participant’s benefit of  our work product, expertise, preparation, and Participant’s dedicated spot in the Program. Therefore,  AIRVENTURE ACADEMY LLC DOES NOT ALLOW EARLY CANCELLATIONS OR OFFER REFUNDS {See  1.3}. By signing this Agreement and paying any portion of the Program Fee you represent that you have fully  vetted the Program and the Company to your satisfaction and have determined the Program to be a good fit for  you. 

3.3 No Lifetime Access. The Participant understands that his/her enrollment in the Program is for a period of  12 (12) months as defined as the first day the Company gives access to the program to the Participant. The  Participant will not have access to the Program and its content after the Program End Date.

  1. CONFIDENTIALITY. Participant agrees that any information received or shared by the Company or any other Participant in the Program that is not otherwise public information will be kept confidential and will not be shared or disclosed to any third party. This confidentiality includes specifics about the content and structure of the Program itself.

The Participant’s purchase is for a single license. The Participant agrees not to share login credentials and/or Program Materials with any third parties, even those within the Participant’s organization.

  1. NO GUARANTEES. Participant understands and agrees that their results from the Program are largely dependent on their own actions, time and energy dedication, and capacity. The Company makes no warranties or guarantees for any particular outcome from participation in the Program.
  2. PARTICIPATION AND CONDUCT. Participant agrees to conduct themselves in a professional manner, and in a way that is for the benefit of and not disruptive to the other Participants, the Program, and the Participant themselves, collectively. Participant expressly agrees to discuss any dissatisfaction or challenges regarding the Program with the Company’s representatives privately and directly, and any resolutions or lack thereof arising out of such discussions will be kept confidential. Participant understands that disruptive behavior and/or any form of hate speech or discrimination from Participant may result in the immediate revocation of Participant’s access to the program without refund.

6.1 Participants Only Community. Participation in this program extends an exclusive Facebook group to  Participants during their Program. There are explicit Group Rules that must be agreed upon and followed for  continued participation:

6.2 Direct Messages. Please do not direct message (“DM”) the AirVenture staff with billing, coaching,  technical support, or other questions, as these must be directed to [email protected].

6.3 Group Content and Intentions. Participants are expected to be professional and add value to the group,  keeping it positive and respectful. The purpose of the group is to foster thoughtful discussion among  members, and argumentative comments will not be tolerated. If your comment is not related to the processes  being taught in the Program, they will be deleted immediately. Multiple violations will result in removal from  the Program in its entirety.

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass Participation Agreement and Terms of Purchase 2

6.4 No Promotions or Sales. No promotional efforts or sales will be tolerated, either publicly or privately. This  includes coaching, courses, group services, or efforts to perform “market research.” Any such posts will be  removed immediately and may warrant removal from the Program.

6.5 No Subgroups. Do not organize any subgroups, live or virtual events, or meetups with this community  without the express written permission of AirVenture Academy LLC.Please email [email protected]  to request permission.

  1. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All forms of intellectual property developed in, to, or in the scope of the Program, including but not limited to content, materials, and design are owned by the Company. Any duplication, sale, or distribution of Program materials to third parties, including sharing Participant’s Program login credentials are strictly prohibited and will result in immediate removal from the program without refund as well as possible legal action taken by the Company.
  2. MEDIA RELEASE. Participant gives express consent for the Company to use Participant’s name, likeness, image, video recordings, words, testimonials, generalized descriptions of Participant and results accomplished in the Program for marketing purposes. Participant waives any right to payment for such use. The Participant acknowledges that all group coaching sessions and/or group calls are recorded. The Participant acknowledges that all private sessions/and or private calls are recorded. The Participant also acknowledges that the recordings may be redistributed and/or resold at a later date as part of a separate package sold by the Company.
  3. FORCE MAJEURE. The Company will not be liable for any delay in the performance of this Agreement if the delay is due to causes beyond the Company’s control, including but not limited to natural disasters, government orders, war, or any other force majeure event. If relying on this provision, the Company will give notice to Participant with proposed delay and/or alternative Program options.

Severability. If any provision contained in this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void, illegal, or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then the other provisions contained herein shall remain in full force and effect as if the provision which was determined to be void, illegal, or unenforceable had not been part of the Agreement.

Waiver. The waiver of a breach of any provision of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach.

Entire Agreement. This document is the entire agreement of the Parties supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, either oral or in writing.

Modification. This Agreement may only be modified, altered, or amended by written agreement. Effect of Headings. Paragraph headings of this Agreement are for convenience only and will not impact or override the provisions themselves.

  2. GOVERNING LAW & DISAGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. The Parties agree to first address any disagreement or dissatisfaction with private, confidential

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass Participation Agreement and Terms of Purchase 3

discussion. In the event we cannot come to a resolution through normal discussion, the parties agree to mediate  before pursuing any other legal action. The Parties agree that any legal conflict arising in connection with this  Agreement will be brought, tried, and resolved in the applicable courts having jurisdiction in the State of California

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass Participation Agreement and Terms of Purchase

AirVenture Academy - Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass and Mentorship Program

The Accelerated MTR Blueprint Masterclass & Mentorship Program grants you one-year access to: 
  • 20+ hours of step-by-step videos walking you through everything you need to know ($10K value)
  • 2 LIVE mentorship calls per week with industry experts ($20K value)
  • Access to 50+ recorded calls of previous coaching calls ($7K value)
  • FIRST access to new curriculums on topics like rental arbitrage, how to target insurance claims ($5K value)
  • Access to my personal resources like pitch decks, message templates, and rental contracts ($997 value)
  • Lifetime access to the MTR Facebook group and a growth minded community (Priceless)
Total Value $42,997  
Join The Masterclass and Mentorship Program for 3 payments of $2,350 = $7,050